4x ROAS and Major Cost Savings!

​​This is the New Money Talks Newsletter, the newsletter packed with entrepreneurs' personal stories, financial tips, and more!

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Ever feel like you're stuck in a rut with your Facebook and Instagram ads?

Struggling to break through the noise and reach new audiences?

You're not alone…

In today's competitive DTC landscape, standing out requires fresh, engaging content that resonates with your target customers.

That's exactly what Nood, a leading hair removal device company, faced.

Their primary challenge was diversifying their creative and landing pages while tapping into new acquisition channels like TikTok.

That’s when the Grapevine came in…

By partnering with Grapevine, Nood unlocked the power of authentic user-generated content (UGC) and advertorial whitelisting.

Here's how it worked:

  • Diversifying Creatives and Landing Pages: Gone are the days of relying solely on branded ads. Grapevine connected Nood with a pool of talented creators who produced engaging UGC content that resonated with potential customers.

    Additionally, Grapevine crafted landing pages featuring third-party comparisons (think "Nood vs. Braun") that offered a more balanced and informative perspective.

  • Reaching New Audiences on TikTok:  Expanding beyond Facebook and Instagram, Nood leveraged Grapevine's expertise to launch campaigns on TikTok.

    This allowed them to tap into a younger demographic actively using the platform.

  • Boosting Social Proof and Whitelisting:  Grapevine's network of creators and publishers helped Nood establish valuable social proof and whitelisting opportunities.

    This increased trust and credibility with potential customers, leading to a higher conversion rate.

The Results Speak for Themselves…

The partnership between Nood and Grapevine yielded impressive results:

  • 4x ROAS (Return on Ad Spend): Grapevine's UGC content significantly outperformed branded ads, delivering a stellar 4X return on ad spend.

  • Major CAC Efficiencies: By reaching new audiences and increasing conversion rates, Grapevine helped Nood achieve significant cost savings on customer acquisition.

  • Top-Performing Landing Pages: Landing pages like "Nood vs. Braun" became some of the highest-performing ads in Nood's entire ad account.

…Feeling Inspired?

Let Grapevine Help You Unlock Your Next-Level Growth.

Imagine achieving similar results for your DTC brand…

Grapevine can help you create a winning strategy with authentic UGC, captivating landing pages, and access to new acquisition channels.

Here's what sets Grapevine apart:

  • Effortless Content Production: They handle everything from creator sourcing to content creation and optimization, freeing you to focus on media buying and campaign management.

  • Dedicated Brand Manager: You'll have a dedicated Grapevine team member by your side every step of the way, providing support, testing insights, and ensuring your success.

  • Proactive Reporting and Optimization: Their team actively analyzes data to identify trends and opportunities for continuous improvement in your campaigns.

Ready to unlock the power of UGC and achieve breakthrough growth?

Click here to schedule a call with Grapevine today and discover how they can take your business to the next level!

If you read today's newsletter and enjoyed it even half as much as we enjoyed preparing it for you, we'd love for you to reply to it and give your feedback so we can keep improving them over time.

See you on Wednesday :)