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How Micro-Influencers Turned This Unknown Brand into a Sensation...

This is the New Money Talks Newsletter, the newsletter packed with entrepreneurs' personal stories, real estate investing, financial tips, and more!

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Today, I want to share with you a secret that most e-commerce brands don’t want you to know.

It’s a secret that can help you grow your online presence and sales without spending a fortune on ads or wasting time on outreach.

It’s a secret that can help you create authentic and engaging content that attracts and converts your ideal customers.

It’s a secret that can help you turn your brand from zero to hero with micro-influencers.

And I’m going to reveal this secret to you by telling you an inspiring story of how a small e-commerce brand did it.

The brand is called Lullaby Luxe, and they offer silk pillowcases, eye masks, and scrunchies for hair and skin care.

But before I tell you more about their products and why they are so amazing, let me tell you how they started and what challenges they faced along the way.

Lullaby Luxe was founded by a young woman named Jessica, who had a passion for beauty and wellness.

She wanted to create products that would help people sleep better, look younger, and feel happier.

She did a lot of research and discovered that silk was the best material for hair and skin care. Silk is natural, hypoallergenic, breathable, and smooth.

Jessica was convinced that silk products were the ultimate beauty secret, and she wanted to share it with the world. She decided to start her own e-commerce brand and sell silk pillowcases, eye masks, and scrunchies online.

She invested all her savings into buying high-quality silk fabric, designing her products, creating her website, and setting up her Shopify store. She was ready to launch her brand and make her dream come true.

But there was one problem…

NO ONE knew about her brand or her products…

Jessica tried to promote her brand on social media, but she didn’t have a large following or a lot of engagement.

She tried to run ads on Facebook and Instagram,

but they were too expensive and didn’t bring enough traffic or conversions. She tried to get featured on blogs and magazines, but they were too busy or too picky.


She felt like she had a great product that could help a lot of people, but no one was paying attention to her.

She wondered if she had made a mistake by starting her own brand.

That’s when she discovered Stack Influence.

Stack Influence is a micro-influencer marketing platform that connects e-commerce brands to everyday creators.

Stack Influence helps brands increase their awareness, user-generated content, and online sales by paying micro-influencers with their products.

Jessica decided to give Stack Influence a try.

She signed up for a free trial and created her first campaign. She invited 50 micro-influencers on Instagram to participate in her campaign, reaching a total follower base of 250,000 people.

She was AMAZED by the results.

She accumulated 300,000 impressions with 30,000 engagements and achieved a 10% conversion rate on website visits.

She also acquired testimonials from the influencers.

Her brand awareness skyrocketed. Her social media presence grew exponentially. Her website traffic increased dramatically.

Her sales went through the roof.

She couldn’t believe it…

She had finally found a way to reach her target audience and grow her brand.

She was so happy and grateful for Stack Influence. They had helped her turn her brand from zero to hero with micro-influencers.

Remember, you have the power to create your own success story with micro-influencers.

All you need is a great product, a passionate audience, and a smart platform like Stack Influence.

As the famous entrepreneur Richard Branson once said,

“If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure if you can do it, just say yes – and then learn how to do it later.”

So what are you waiting for?

Follow your heart and intuition today and start growing your brand with micro-influencers.

If you read today's newsletter and enjoyed it even half as much as we enjoyed preparing it for you, we'd love for you to reply and give your feedback so we can keep improving it over time!

See you on Wednesday:)

P.S. If you are an e-commerce brand owner and you want to grow your online presence and sales with micro-influencers, I have a suggestion for you. Stack Influence is the platform that helped Lullaby Luxe achieve its amazing results, and it can help you too.

Whether you have a new or established brand, a niche or a broad market, or a low or a high budget, Stack Influence can help you find and manage the best micro-influencers for your brand.

Micro-influencers are the future of e-commerce marketing. They can help you increase your brand awareness, user-generated content, and online sales by paying them with your products.

But don’t take my word for it. Try it yourself and see the results.

This is your chance to create your own success story with micro-influencers. All you need is a great product, a passionate audience, and a smart platform like Stack Influence.

As the famous entrepreneur Tony Robbins once said,

“The only IMPOSSIBLE journey is the one you NEVER begin.”

So what are you waiting for?

Begin your journey today and start growing your brand with micro-influencers.