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How One Bee Spray Transformed a Woman’s Life and Business

This is the New Money Talks Newsletter, the newsletter packed with entrepreneurs' personal stories, financial tips, and more!

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Imagine this.

You are a student studying abroad in Italy, and you get sick with tonsillitis.

You are allergic to antibiotics, so you have no other option but to suffer through the pain and inflammation.

You visit a pharmacy to look for some relief, and you discover a product that CHANGES YOUR LIFE.

It is a spray made from propolis, a substance that bees make from plant and tree resins. It has antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties, and it has been used as a natural remedy for centuries.

You try it out, and it works wonders.

You feel better in no time, and you are able to enjoy the rest of your trip.

You are amazed by the power of propolis, and you want to learn more about it.

You start researching bees and their products, and you find out that they are not only good for human health, but also essential for the environment.

Bees pollinate about one-third of the food we eat, and they support the biodiversity of our planet. 

However, they are also confronting a serious threat from pesticides, parasites, and habitat loss. Bees are dying at an alarming rate, and if they disappear, so will we.

You feel a strong connection with the bees, and you want to do something to help them, you also want to share the benefits of propolis and other bee products with the world. 

You decide to start your own company and make natural health products that are good for people and the planet.

Sounds like a fairy tale, right?

Actually, it’s not. It’s a true story…

And it’s the story of Beekeeper’s Naturals, a company that sells natural health products made from bee propolis, honey, and other bee-derived ingredients. These products have various health benefits and are backed by scientific research.

But before they became a successful ecommerce brand, they faced many challenges and obstacles along the way.

They had to deal with issues such as inventory management, cash flow, marketing, distribution, and customer service. They also had to compete with other brands and products in the market, and they had to constantly innovate and improve their offerings.

They had a passion and a purpose, but they also needed a partner.

A partner who could provide them with the funding and guidance they needed to scale their business and reach more customers.

A partner who understood the ecommerce industry and the challenges it entails. A partner who shared their vision and values, and who cared about their success.

That partner was Yardline.

Yardline is a company that provides ecommerce funding solutions for small businesses. They offer personalized funding options such as loans, credit lines, revenue based financing, and more. They also claim to have a fast and easy application process and a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

But Yardline is more than just a LENDER.

They are also a mentor, a coach, and a friend.

They have a team of ecommerce experts who provide valuable insights and advice to their clients. 

They also have a network of ecommerce resources and partners who can help their clients grow their businesses and achieve their goals.

Beekeeper’s Naturals partnered with Yardline to get a flexible funding solution that allowed them to scale their business and launch new products. They also benefited from Yardline's ecommerce expertise and guidance.

They increased their revenue by 300% and expanded their distribution channels.

They also donated 10% of their profits to bee conservation organizations and partnered with local apiaries to source their ingredients.

Thanks to Yardline, Beekeeper’s Naturals was able to turn their dream into a REALITY. 

They were able to create a successful ecommerce brand that is good for people and the planet. They were able to make a difference in the world and inspire others to do the same.

And you can do it too.

P.S. If you have an ecommerce business, or if you want to start one, you should check out Yardline.

They can help you get the funding and support you need to grow your business and reach your potential.

They can help you overcome the challenges and obstacles that come with running an ecommerce business.

They can help you make your ecommerce a SUCCESS story.

If you read today’s newsletter and enjoyed it even half as much as we enjoyed preparing it for you, we’d love for you to reply to it and give your feedback so we can keep improving them over time.

See you next week :)